I think it was the moment when Johnathan stood next to me with his little plastic cup that I thought: “I had better update my website. I should let people know what’s going on. The general public has a need to know that Johnathan just used his plastic cup to drink toilet water.”

Then there was some yelling and grabbing and washing of the hands and face.

I plan on updating any and all who care on the subject of my kids and family life, but for the time being I want to explain what’s going on with work.

Back in June we were on a family vacation and my belt broke.  I was a little dismayed.  I remember the moment, looking down at the floor, and thinking “I can’t afford a new belt.”

It was actually a big shock to me.

I had been working quite a bit over the past year or so since graduation.  At first, business went very well, but as the recession deepened I found that my meetings were less and less productive.  Income went from “getting by” to drying up entirely for about 4 months.  I remember it was that moment that I knew it was time to look for work.

I am very very sad to be leaving such an amazing company as Northwestern Mutual.  They’ve treated me extremely well over the last couple years.  The bottom line, however, is that I need to have an income stream rather than the dangerous hit-and-miss of commission only work.

I’ve signed on to work with American National Insurance.  This means I’ll be offering the same types of products and services, but with the addition of Home, Auto, Farm, and Business insurance.  American National is a very strong company, which is good; and they pay their claims promptly and without fighting their policyowners, which is the most important thing to me.

Anyway,  It should be good for my family and good for the people who I can work with and serve.

We went to our doctor’s appointment today.  She’s still dilated to only 1 centimeter.  So it was looking like we were going to be waiting till thursday – when they have her scheduled to be induced.  On the way out of the doctor’s office, he said, “Hey, want to do it tonight?”

Kayeleen said “Yes,” without hesitation.

My mind went blank as neurons were in competition for superiority – school – work – school – teaching – work – shutdown…

I must have had a funny look on my face because the doctor looked at me and said “Maybe we should wait?”  I said no, it was fine.

So this evening at 1 A.M. we’ll be going to the hospital to begin the birthing process – whatever that is…

It’s really weird to think that by this time tomorrow I may be a father officially.  Exciting, intimidating, a little stressful, and the like.  It still seems impossible.  I’m sure I’ll get used to the idea pretty soon, though.

I think it’s interesting that it feels like such a huge and important moment in my life, but to everybody who knows me it’s just some happy news – almost as if babies are born every day or something.

But my baby isn’t born every day.  Just tomorrow.


March 28, 2007

Kayeleen nears her due-date.  About 2 weeks ago we started noticing contractions pretty much every day.  And it would go something like this:  At about 7 or 8 at night she would start having contractions every 10 minutes.  Then when it got to about 10 pm, they would stop.  Then last week it was the same except every 5 minutes.   It has become rather frustrating.

It has been suggested that the baby is waiting to come out till we know his name.  To which I say “Piffle!”

I’ve also passed my exam and am now licensed in the state of Utah to sell and advise people in the ways of Life, Health, and other kinds of insurance.   I hope to be of some use to my friends and family.  I’m now working on getting licensed for investments of certain kinds.   So if you ever need some financial suggestions, I would be happy to help out.

Anyway…  Life feels like it’s on the verge of becoming a whole new thing.  A paradigm shift or something.  New job, new baby, end of school year, and probably a new apartment pretty soon.  It’s going to be interesting to see how it effects my psychology.



April 26, 2006

Well, I've got sixmilevillage.com back up and running again, but I did it by signing up for a blog on this site, then pointing sixmilevillage.com to it.  So yeah.

In other news, I just spent over 100 dollars today, and I ain't done yet.
